Красивые пейзажи нейросетью, горы

Красивые пейзажи нейросетью, горы

Промпт для нейросети

Frontal, low angle view of a continental apex, a green meadow with hills, transformed by cyberpunk influences. Elements like digital weather control systems and holographic plants, blended with natural scenery. Ultra-realistic, hyper-detailed, ray-traced illumination, creating a vivid, high megapixel cyber-natural landscape. —ar 9:16 —v 6

#midjourney #midjourneypromt #art #горы #трава #нейросеть

ARTZINE ARTZINE 3 месяца назад #

А это только начало, какую красоту создаёт нейросеть

ARTZINE ARTZINE 3 месяца назад #

a cozy writer's office in a modern style. There is a table with a computer near the window. There is a mess on the table — scattered paper, plates and bottles. Opposite the table is a chair with an untucked blanket on it. The room has wardrobes and a fireplace with a fire. A beautiful forest is visible from the window. in gentle colors and something close to realism. modern style —v 6.0

#midjourney #midjourneypromt #art #комната #уют #нейросеть


ARTZINE ARTZINE 3 месяца назад #


ARTZINE ARTZINE 3 месяца назад #

Нейросеть midjourney, нейросеть

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