Archiver in theory

An archiver is a program or utility that allows you to package and compress files and folders into an archive format. Here are examples of the theoretical implementation of the archiver:

1. Archive creation: The archiver should be able to select files and folders for packaging. It should create an archive file and save the selected items to it.

2. Data compression: The archiver should provide options for data compression to reduce the size of the archive file. Various compression algorithms can be used, such as ZIP, GZIP or RAR.

3. Archive unpacking: The archiver must have an archive unpacking function that extracts files and folders from the archive file and saves them to the specified location on the disk.

4. Archive Management: The archiver can provide archive management functions, such as adding new files or folders to an existing archive, deleting items from the archive, or renaming files and folders inside the archive.

5. Password protection: The Archiver may offer the option to protect the archive with a password to prevent unauthorized access to its contents.

6. Support for various formats: The archiver can support various archive formats such as ZIP, RAR, 7Z and others to ensure compatibility with other programs and operating systems.

7. User Interface: The archiver should have a user-friendly and intuitive user interface that allows you to easily select files and configure archiving parameters.

8. Performance Optimization: The archiver can use performance optimization to speed up the process of packing and unpacking files.

9. Multiplatform: The archiver can be designed to work on various operating systems, such as Windows, macOS and Linux.

These are just general principles and functions that can be implemented in the archiver. The final implementation will depend on the specific requirements and objectives of the project.

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