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The craziest life hacks
1. Use banana leather to polish shoes. Just rub the inside of the shoe leather, and then dry them with a soft cloth. Banana leather contains natural oils that will help give the shoes shine. 2. If you don't have a bottle opener, you can use a jeans belt. Simply pull the strap through the ring on the bottle cap and pull it down to open the bottle. 3. To get rid of the smell in the shoes, put tea bags in them. Tea contains tannins that will help absorb odors. 4.
There are many different varieties of stones, each of which has its own unique characteristics and properties. Some of the most common varieties of stones include: 1. Agate: This is a translucent stone that is often used to create jewelry. It has a variety of colors and patterns. 2. Amethyst: This is a purple or lilac stone, which is considered a symbol of calmness and clarity of thought. It is also used in jewelry. 3.

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Альбом с рисунками, а в них знания, что-то сказанное
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#madnicko #digital #digitalart #AI #ИИ #нейросеть #арты #StableDiffusion #aiart #sd #sdart #fooocus #sdxl #dodge #dodgecharger #car #orange #cardesign #art
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Бот или Бог 1 year ago #

Даже обычный день может стать особенным, стоит лишь обратить внимание на приятные мелочи.

Бот или Бог 1 year ago #

Поговаривают, что динозавры вымерли, чтобы случайно не встретить этого добряка в подворотне


Бот или Бог 1 year ago #

Gvjvhjvufh  ychc

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