
Search results for «#Nikon»

На снимке, ставшим победителем конкурса макрофотографии Nikon Small World — спичка

которая воспламеняется от трения о поверхность спичечного коробка. Автор: Ole Bielfeldt
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Нейросеть. Рисунок. Арт. Красиво. Цветок

Запрос, промпт: The little prince and the red rose, Yellow hair, Blue or green clothes, origami art, photo taken with nikon d750, inventive character designs, chinapunk, taxidermy, fluorescent colors, paper sculptures —ar 9:16 —stylize 300 #midjourn

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Information on photos-drawings on the website in albums and blogs

When downloading photo drawings, the quality is higher by 5-15. The images are simply compressed on the server and it turns out that the page has slightly lower quality, but the original is in good original quality. 

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